Wes Craven's Mind Ripper

In a remote bunker in the desert, unthinkable experiments are taking place. Experiments where horror legend Wes Craven sells his name and credibility to a movie in exchange for a writing credit for his son Jonathan!

In a slightly less terrifying experiment, some guys are also reviving a corpse. It does not go well. Sure, it’s your standard affront to decency and all that is holy, but it also has this gross long tongue that occasionally it’ll shoot into your brain. Hopefully it goes without saying that this abomination is named Thor and looks like Fabio.

It’s up to Lance Henriksen and his family to display complete ignorance of the situation, split up in defiance of all logic, and gradually get picked off one by one. Er, we mean, save the day! Join Mike, Kevin, Bill, and fortunately, no egregious nepotism for Mind Ripper!

Head writer
Mike Nelson

Additional contributors:
Conor Lastowka - Senior Writer 
Sean Thomason - Senior Writer 

Contributing Writers: Molly Hodgdon, Jason Miller, and Mike Schuster

NOTE: The movie has been modified from its original version.

Rated R for violence, language, and a scene of improvised rap by Giovanni Ribisi

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Poster art by Jason Martian
Poster art by Jason Martian

RiffMeter rating

Average: 8.6 (144 votes)

Content Rating

TVPG Rating: TV-MA-V
Adult language
Graphic violence

Movie Decade

Riffed By

Release date

October 27, 2017


77 minutes
Closed Captions
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