The House on Sorority Row

Whereas most slasher movies choose elderly, saggy retirement community members as their victims, The House on Sorority Row turns the genre upside down by instead murdering a bunch of attractive sorority girls!

When the evil and poorly dubbed house-mother Mrs. Slater discovers that her sorority girls are planning a party, she’s quick to cancel it. The girls respond in a perfectly reasonable manner: they force her into a swimming pool at gunpoint and pretend they’re going to murder her. (In their defense, the band they had hired had a non-refundable deposit.)

You’ll be surprised to learn that such a well thought out plan goes awry, and before you can say “I know what you did last summer” the girls are being picked off one by one by a mysterious killer with a clown obsession. Will any of them survive the night? Is Mrs. Slater really dead? And are we really meant to believe that a 23-year-old woman had a Garfield poster hanging up in her sorority dorm room? Find out when Mike, Kevin, and Bill riff the cult classic The House on Sorority Row!


Head Writer
Mike Nelson 

Contributing Writers
Conor Lastowka - Senior Writer
Sean Thomason - Senior Writer

Additional contributors: Molly Hodgdon, Jason Miller, Brian Boone and Zachary Shatzer 

Contains brief nudity, as well as a scene with strobing lights that may affect photosensitive viewers.

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RiffMeter rating

Average: 9 (163 votes)

Content Rating

TVPG Rating: TV-MA-S
Photosensitivity warning



Movie Decade

Riffed By

Release date

May 18, 2018


90 minutes
Closed Captions
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