Toast and Rice Presents: The Phantom Empire Chapter 7

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

Toast and Rice Presents: The Phantom Empire Chapter 7

Death be not proud.

In fact, when you're a singing cowboy who perishes at the hands of mole people, death can be downright humiliating.

It's bad enough to lose your life in a fight against mumu-clad subterranians and blocky robo-waddlers.  Once you've perished, do you get to move on?  To enjoy your eternal reward?

Nope.  Instead, your body gets schlepped around like a sack of turnips, and your corpse gets stuffed into a resurrection machine that would make cylons roll their eyes.

Human-looking cylons, that is.  The other kind of cylons...well, they're always rolling their eyes, sort of.

Back on topic, our hero returns, none the worse for wear.

This iRiff is presented by Toast and Rice, as part of the Phantom Empire iRiffs Crossover Project.


iRiff file formats

iPod (mp4) (208.1 MB)

An iRiff by:

The Phantom Empire
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