Ice on Mars - Star Trek: The Next Generation: Best of Both Worlds Part Two

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

Ice on Mars - Star Trek: The Next Generation: Best of Both Worlds Part Two

OH NOES! Jean-Luc Picard is a Borg! Whatever shall we do? Well, a few months later we're gonna start off the new season with some slam-bang action, THAT'S what we're gonna do! If we're the people making ST:TNG. But we're not. We're people viewing it 15 years later and mocking it, so WE are going to riff the hell out of it. You absolutely must watch Dark Matter Production's first half, available at:

Then you're good to go when it comes to listening to our half, featuring Michael T Bradley and Jason "Caregiver" Freston (yes, since we're delving into a new ST series I decided to go back to the riffer I started Voyager with) (if you have no clue what I'm talking about, just click on Ice on Mars up there and you'll see our other projects, including a lot of ST: Voyager). Also, Frondy the telepathic plant is along for synching duties as well.

Oh, obviously the one other thing you'll need is a copy of the episode. 'But I don't happen to have a copy of these episodes laying around,'  you cry. Well, there's a simple way to solve that! Check out this box set at Amazon!

How awesome is that! But what's that you say, theoretical questioner? You say you don't really want to spend over $300 for a decent but somewhat dated late '80s sci-fi show, even if it is a staggering 40% off MSRP? Well, OK, fine, then. How about THIS awesome deal?!?

That's the complete fourth season for under $50! Yet you still resist, protesting that you'd have to buy season 3 to get Matt's half! All right, fine, you incessant litter gutter merchant, if you must base every decision upon economic necessity, fine! Have this super nifty little set then! That has both those episodes and a smattering of other Borg-related episodes on it for a mere $35! Possibly less used, depending upon what time of the year you check! Can we please be happy and live in peace now? No? NO, YOU SAY?

Why, you nattering naybob of negativity! As if all I have to do with my time is find links to make YOU happy?!? Fine! No, fine! It's fine! If that's what you want, I'll give it to you. Just mark "make Christmas gifts" off my list of things to do for the day. I SAID IT'S FINE! TAKE IT AND BE HAPPY! LESS THAN $10! BOTH EPISODES ARE ON IT, ON ONE DISC! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!?

Oh, also you could rent from Netflix or Blockbuster online, I'm sure.

iRiff file formats

NTSC (12.37 MB)
PAL (30.38 MB)

An iRiff by:

Ice on Mars
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