The Warriors - Ultimate Director's Cut

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

The Warriors - Ultimate Director's Cut

It's the Bonehead Radio commentary on The Warriors - Ultimate Director's Cut. Check the trailer here!

Check the alternative trailer here!

4 hours in the making, 12 weeks in the editing, but it's all comedy, all the time! The Jackie Rodgers: Swinging with Mother Nature special couldn't say that!

Walter Hill couldn't leave well enough alone when he re-cut the Warriors, and we couldn't either.

Join us as we follow these 9 men as they try to get back to Coney Island from the Bronx. There is no truth to the rumor that Walter Hill wanted to give this movie the alternate title of "There & Back Again".

Watch in awe as Cleon lays down the law with his jaw!

Look as  Cowboy has his hat stolen, and does almost nothing else through out the entire 1 and a half hour film!

See the Fox get way too big for his britches and pay dearly for it!

Hear Vermin chat nervously again and again and again! What the fudge else is he supposed to do, anyway?

Gaze in amazement as Ajax learns that no really does mean no!

See Snow run!

Eyeball  Cochise looking bad ass despite wearing more feathers than Rip Taylor & Elton John combined.

Gape at  Rembrandt quaking in his boots as he does a poor job of what he's supposed to be good at!

And thrill to Swan -  Tool User -  Leader of Men as he imposes his will on the untamed urban wasteland that was the vision of NYC in the 1970's!

Join our legion of fan today and buy this iriff. You shall not be disappointed, by Cleon I swear!


Bonehead Radio - A very excited company.



iRiff file formats

NTSC (63.6 MB)
PAL (61.06 MB)
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