The Return Of Chandu-Chapter 10-The Turkey Shoot w/Scott Zee

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The Return Of Chandu-Chapter 10-The Turkey Shoot w/Scott Zee

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Flashbacks and crushing stones. That's this exciting chapter in a nutshell. Spoilers! Half our latest installment takes place in the last serial to star Bela Lugosi involving Chandu. Only he wasnt Chandu in that one. More like a secondary villain.It will confuse you. As it did I. Fun huh?

Then we're treated to Chandu's torture of the Crushing Stone! You won't know whether or not the stone is actually trying to crush Chandu, or is simply tilted menacingly, or is hovering manically, or is busted and needs new bearings. It's a time killer for sure. If you havent gotten the hint that this whole serial is pretty much following this one pattern, please take it now. But we're sure you have.


iRiff file formats

VOD (347.88 MB)