The Movie Asylum: Lost City Chapter 10

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

The Movie Asylum: Lost City Chapter 10

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NOTE: If you have problems playing this, it runs perfectly with the completely free VLC media player.  Download it here:

Racism?  Check.  Incomprehensible audio?  Check.  Pasty white guys tied up in embarrassing positions?  Check.

No, I'm not talking about a Friday night at the Trent Lott household, I'm talking about The Lost City!

I have to admit that I'm a little hazy as to the plot but it has something to do with Tinkerbell trying to marry a femmy guy while a wrestler and his slave run around looking for a confused old guy.  Oh, and there are lions!  No, not the Detroit Lions.  I'm talking about the good kind.

Written and performed by James Rosenthal (James of LinHood) and Ben Rosenthal (MechanicalTorgo) of the Rifftrax forums.  Please visit us on the web at for information on future release dates and how you can submit scripts to those films!  Enjoy!

iRiff file formats

Lost City Part 10 (181.45 MB)

An iRiff by:

The Movie Asylum