Ever wonder the tell tale signs of Cancer? Ever wonder if a bumbling fool and cheesy film effects could show you what you could be missing? Want a fake doctor to tell you things you should already know? I'll bet you're wondering where you can find such a film. Well, in 1960, that edu-tainment film was produced and stars none other than Mr. Magoo. In this "Film for Men" you will see what seven signs you should be looking for if you think you may have Cancer. You see any of these signs on the side of the road or on your body, get to the doctor. Hopefully, not like the Doctor Mr. Magoo sees, otherwise you'll find yourself pantless and dancing. Enjoy my first VOD riff.
iRiffs: Made by Fans!
This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.
RTU Presents: "Inside Magoo" - Short
iRiff file formats
VOD (166.45 MB)

Intended for mature audiences