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RTU Presents: "Are You Popular?" - Short

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

RTU Presents: "Are You Popular?" - Short

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Greetings, fabled earth dwellers. We here at Riff the Universe have been on a voyage. A fantastic voyage, if you will, and we have returned to bring comedic interpretations of terrible short films back to your simpleton mindsets. 

It with a happy heart that we bring you our return short - "Are You Popular?" A short so dastardly in it's horrible awkwardness, that we just had to bring it back to life and make it somewhat funny. We're excited for this one to be the return to the iRiff scene, and we're glas we're back! 

SO, if you've always wanted to know if you were popular, OR how you can become popular, watch this iRiff brought to you by us, Riff The Universe. 

{BY THE WAY: We lost our Youtube account, so there aren't any trailers for our old stuff. We've registered a new account, and there will be a trailer for this beast as soon as it uploads!}

iRiff file formats

WAV VOD (223.33 MB)