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Ralph and Rick resent: The Bat VOD!

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

Ralph and Rick resent: The Bat VOD!

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Featuring: Vincent PriceAgnes Moorehead!  A villain who looks nothing like a bat

Murder, larceny, odd New England accents and 1950s women in their nightgowns, including Darla Hood of the Little Rascals!  All this and frightfully little else is yours in this Allied Artists production, vituperatively presented in Ralph'n'Rick-o-Scope.

Mystery writer Cornelia “Talentless Hack” Van Gorder rents a country house for the perpetually gloomy soundstage summer.  Little does she realize that her lease allows for a constant flow of unintelligible police chiefs, bat-obsessed doctors, elbow-packing butlers and interchangeable female characters in and out of the place.

Even a horrendous murder carried out by a masked maniac with steel claws on his glove does nothing to assuage her annoyance.  And whatever happened to that mizzen millyen?


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An iRiff by:

Ralph and Rick