Orwellian Nightmare Society Ep. 102 - Bacteria: Friend and Foe

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

Orwellian Nightmare Society Ep. 102 - Bacteria: Friend and Foe





You know you have your bad habits. Biting your nails. Playing with stray dogs. Biting the nails of stray dogs.

But did you know that those bat habits can cause you serious damage? That’s right. Serious damage: In the form of DISEASE BACTERIA! However, not all bacteria is bad. Some can be your friend.

Join the Orwellian Nightmare Society (Doug, Phil and Mike) as they watch the short video designed to take all the confusion about bacteria away, with the help of two lame brothers, lots of close-ups of bacteria on a slide and a the guy who plays Pasteur (who is, in fact, a surprisingly good actor).

This video on demand contains the short and riff, pre-synced, as well as host segments with everyone’s favorite 24th century castaways.

iRiff file formats

MOV (142.28 MB)
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