STAR WARS! Sound familiar? It sure did to this director. In the years following Star Wars' release, he made quite a few space-themed movies using the same stable of actors, randomly blinking sets, and goofy wardrobe. However, this one exclusively stars Antonio Sabato Sr. (or Toblerone, to Msties) as the dashing, daring, hairy, chick-magnet captain. Complete with alien worlds, expendable crew members, androids, and loose stabilizers, this film actually feels like some sort of unholy offspring of "Star Wars" and "Star Trek" as it "borrows" many, MANY things from each. The light sabers, however, were a total coincidence. And so, join "Just Andrew" as we head three degrees east through cardboard and Christmas light outer space, seeking answers to questions like, "Will the reactor explode?", "How freaking awesome is Kuba?", and "Why blonde?", to some of the catchiest keyboard demo music, ever! This is TRUE B-movie awesomeness!
Run-time: 100 minutes, so I had to decrease the video quality a bit. If you have a higher quality version of this movie, please watch it whilst listening to this audio for maximum rockage.
Contains both the audio and video track, skillfully merged for your convenience.