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Film Nuts presents - The Rapture! Video On Demand (VOD)

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

Film Nuts presents - The Rapture! Video On Demand (VOD)

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Have YOU been saved? It's a good chance that, regardless of your behavior, you are doomed to be left behind. This 1941 film is designed to warn believers and non-believers alike of the perils of the impending return of YOU KNOW WHO -- which, apparently, was due to occur sometime in the early 1950s.

No offense is intended toward any particular belief system...though, after enduring this fright-fest, Scientology is looking mighty good right about now.

Need a pick me up? Let Erik of the FILM NUTS take you on a journey of startling guilt and endless terror! This .mp4 VOD is complete and ready to be uploaded to your iPod or favorite viewer. REPENT!


Length: 11:00

iRiff file formats

mp4 VOD (201.47 MB)

An iRiff by:

The Film Nuts!