Film Nuts Presents - King of the Rocket Men: Episode Three -VOD

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Film Nuts Presents - King of the Rocket Men: Episode Three -VOD

A car guided by remote control sails off a cliff and explodes into flame!

This is the end of the serial, right? RIGHT? Sadly, movie serials are like that bad girlfriend in college––a fickle, deceptive, miserable whore who rips your heart out and stomps it into the ground, yet for some inexplicable reason you keep coming back for more, more, MORE!

That pretty much describes Republic Pictures' 1941 serial King of the Rocket Men, and its third episode: Dangerous Evidence. This film proves that A) fists to the face leave no marks, B) no man in 1941 was legally allowed outdoors without a hat and C) Wendy's Frosty formula is worth killing for.

For the entire 12-part series, visit


Time: Approx. 13 minutes 


Note: Though has granted permission to use these chapters, YouTube continues to disallow embedding and is screwy with the links. When you click here: you will see Episode One's clip; click on the "Episode Three" link for a preview.

iRiff file formats

.mp4 VOD (269.13 MB)

An iRiff by:

The Film Nuts!
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