Drawback Productions Presents: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

Drawback Productions Presents: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

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For many people, Temple of Doom is easily the worst Indiana Jones movie… released before 2008.  It inexplicably takes place in 1935, whereas Raiders of the Lost Ark takes place in 1936, technically making this a prequel.  And as we all know, George Lucas minus time equals tragedy.

Watch the tragedy unfold with me (Dru Brock) and my less enthusiastic wife (Mrs. Dru Brock) as our favorite non-practicing archeologist gets some stones.  Joining him along the way are the annoying lady, the annoying Chinese kid, the skull-faced villain, the big bald Nazi from Raiders (who now has new facial hair, a turban and the most drastic tan this side of the Jersey Shore, despite working in a cave all day) and the host of Tales from the Crypt (spreading his acting wings in the role of the indecipherable village chief).  It will be Drawback Productions' finest* hour**.


**Two hours

This now comes with a free bonus riff of the Season 3 premiere of Highway to Heaven:  A Special Love Part 1.  The NTSC video is available here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM0NLghcm8s 

The riffed conclusion to A Special Love (plus two more fantastic episodes) is available here:  http://www.rifftrax.com/iriffs/drawback-productions-presents-highway-heaven-0

iRiff file formats

NTSC,MP3 (46.2 MB)
PAL, MP3 (45.46 MB)
(101.92 MB)
(106.27 MB)
(1.5 KB)
(32.71 MB)
(31.63 MB)

An iRiff by:

Drawback Productions