Count Dracula and His Vampire Brides - GOTBBC Episode 4

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Count Dracula and His Vampire Brides - GOTBBC Episode 4

Johnny and the ghosts think they’ve gotten a break when Death assigns them an actual classic Hammer Studios horror film to watch. As usual, though, there’s a catch: The “classic” in question is COUNT DRACULA AND HIS VAMPIRE BRIDES, the last of Hammer’s Dracula films... and there are maybe a few good reasons it was the last one.

Enjoy a little Peter Cushing, a little Christopher Lee, and a little bit of Satanism... okay, a lot of Satanism... actually, a little bit of Satanism that is then shown OVER AND OVER, because when you have Cushing and Lee in your cast, you need to cut the budget somewhere. It’s the vamp flick so nice they named it twice, COUNT DRACULA AND HIS VAMPIRE BRIDES (you see, it was originally named THE SATANIC RITES OF DRACULA, before it slipped into public domain limbo).

WARNING: GHOSTS ON THE BIG BROWN COUCH’s Video On Demand presentation of COUNT DRACULA AND HIS VAMPIRE BRIDES was rated R way back in 1973. It contains eh-xplicit scenes of violence, some harsh language (mainly from the riffers, who can... ONLY... TAKE... SO... MUCH...), and a fair amount of nudity, which sounds like fun until you see who it is. Oh, and there’s Satanism. Did we mention the Satanism? There’s a LOT of freaking Satanism. But the good guys win, so there's, uh, family values.

iRiff file formats

avi (619.62 MB)
Intended for mature audiences
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