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Big Trouble In Little China

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

Big Trouble In Little China

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This film, fueled by the John Carpenter’s fierce opium addiction and inspired by comic book versions of the history of China, could only have been made worse if they’d cast Kurt Russell and Kim Cattrall in lead roles… Oh wait, they did. What results is an offensive racist romp through Chinatown, with some gun battles and unexciting Kung-Fu. Oh, and Egg-Shen is handy with tossed cherry bombs.

So I, along with some of my brothers from most holy order of the Knights of Tuve Hall, have taken it upon ourselves to give this movie the riffing it so richly deserves. Enjoy!

{{Warning, the film itself is PG-13 and the commentary is explicit as a result! }}


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iRiff file formats

MP3 Audio File (68.43 MB)
Intended for mature audiences