Aliens have decided to invade the planet and as usual a white male scientist is the first person they contact. The scientist, played by Hugh Marlowe (Harshest Face in Hollywood 1953-1955) pleads for the US government to contact the aliens back but to no avail. So the brave scientist sets out on his own to contact the aliens - and promptly sets the Earth up for invasion. Nice going nerd. Meanwhile, science guy's new fiance complains that someone else can save the world from his planet-threatening mistake and future father-in-law becomes a walking slave to the aliens. That's gonna be a weird Thanksgiving. Even the involvement of Ray Harryhuasen, whose talent was spent animating essentially motionless objects, can't save the film.
I'm joined by Mr B Natural again as a co-riffer on this full length VOD. If you enjoyed this buy more of our joint projects here at Atomic Treatment or under his iRiff project here:
Run time: 1:28:00