Night of the Shorts: SF Sketchfest 2016
Batman Victorious (Episode 15)
Batman Vs. The Wizard (Episode 14)
Batman: The Wizard's Challenge (Episode 13)
Batman: Robin Rides the Wind (Episode 12)
Batman: Robin's Ruse (Episode 11)
Batman's Last Chance (Episode 10)
Batman: The Wizard Strikes Back (Episode 9)
Batman: Robin Meets the Wizard! (Episode 8)
Batman: The Fatal Blast (Episode 7)
Batman: Target Robin (Episode 6)
Batman: Robin Rescues Batman (Episode 5)
Batman Trapped! (Episode 4)
Batman: Robin's Wild Ride (Episode 3)
Batman: Tunnel of Terror (Episode 2)
Batman Takes Over (Episode 1)
Which one's your favorite?