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Answering the Child's Why

This product is part of iRiffs - fan-made commentary tracks.

Answering the Child's Why

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Remember the 50's? No? Neither do we, since our parents were still in diapers back then. But apparently as children, their generation was just as annoying as every generation has been since the start of the human race. Yes, its those adorable children asking questions constantly while annoyance, resentment and bitterness begin to build within all the adults within earshot. This short provides us with a sad look at what was considered progressive social education back then, which can be summed up thusly. "Try answering their questions in a relatable and appropriate way". It also helpfully points out that forcing children to kiss strange relatives they've never met may be emotionally scarring, and that if you crush all the ambition and curiosity out of a child, they may not grow up to be successful. Common sense these days, but apparently these were new and exciting concepts back then. Sort of makes you realize why the hippie movement started a decade later. Anyway, Kam and Dan give this short the sound thrashing it deserves. Please enjoy, "Answering The Child's Why".


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iRiff file formats

AVI (175.22 MB)
MOV (129.9 MB)

An iRiff by:

Baka Riffs
Intended for mature audiences