Of all the movies made in the last eleven years, only one could bravely fill the gap between Spider-Man and Spider-Man 3. That film, of course, is The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing. However, in order to satisfy the purists in the audience, Rifftrax Presents presents our very special riff on Spider-Man 2.
This time, young Peter Parker must choose between the brave yet thankless life of a shadowy crime-fighter in a groin-crushing leotard, or the life of a relentless, uncle-killing failure who makes Jonah Hill look like Stone Cold Steve Austin. Alfred Molina co-stars as Doctor Octavius, AKA Doc Ock, AKA a man who ought never ever be seen with his shirt off. Kirsten Dunst returns as the pale ginger werewolf MJ, and Rosemary Harris sizzles as the sassy, sexy Aunt May.
Bill Corbett and Kevin Murphy welcome special guest-riffer Josh Fruhlinger, the legendary Comics Curmudgeon, author of one of the web’s most irreverent and popular blogs (check him out at http://joshreads.com). Josh has made it his life's mission to survey, and hurl invective at the daily comic strip page, and he knows more about Mary Worth than any living soul, a thought which ought to send chills down your spine. Join us as Josh brings his rapier wit and encyclopedic comic strip knowledge to this favorite of the Spider-Man series, and we promise you'll never have more fun watching a man jump around in tight clothes.
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